Find Your Reader Personality Type (Advanced)

Ever wonder if there was an objective way to find out what kind of a reader you are—what reading personality you match? That’s why we designed this Reader Type Assessment—so that you can find more books that you love.

This ten-question assessment will score your answers across each of the four Reader Types: Team Player, Jokester, Champion, and Investigator. There are no right or wrong answers, and many people find that they are equally drawn to two or three Reader Types. Once you get your scores, you can use search this site using these Reader Types to discover books that better match your preferences.

Good luck and have fun! (Thanks to Katherine Stehman, Librarian, Pennsylvania USA for sharing her explanations for the keywords that she devised for her students. )

Find Your Reader Personality Type (Advanced)

(Looking for the self-scored version of this assessment? You can access it here.)