Monkey and Elephant’s Worst Fight Ever!

Monkey and Elephant’s Worst Fight Ever!

Monkey wants to present Elephant with a surprise gift, but he finds a costume party in progress.  He runs away very upset, because he was not invited to the party.  Monkey remembers his friendship with Elephant and begins to feel sad.  The sadness turns into anger...
Loon Baby

Loon Baby

A mother and baby loon wake up in their nest.  When the mother goes in search of food, the baby misses her and becomes worried and fearful as time passes.  The baby goes looking for the mother under the water with no success and decides to go home.  Where is home?...
Z Is for Moose

Z Is for Moose

“Up at Lake Winna-Bango…the far northern shore… Lives a huge herd of moose, about sixty or more, And they all go around in a big happy bunch Looking for nice tender moose-moss to munch” –Dr. Seuss, from THIDWICK THE BIG-HEARTED MOOSE...
We March

We March

“[T]he  mountain of history books under which we all stand leans so heavily in the other  direction-so tremblingly respectful of states and statesmen and so  disrespectful, by inattention, to people’s movements-that we need some  counterforce to avoid being...