The Moon Inside

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Book Information

Picture Book
House of Anansi September 2016 (Groundwood Books)
Social Emotional Learning

Are you afraid of the dark?  When the sun is done for the day and sets itself and disappears to wherever suns go, does the darkness seem to have taken away all that is safe and good?

For every quivering young person who doesn't like when the sun goes down and the dark creeps through the house, there is hope beyond just turning on the light in every room.

In this sensitive, caring, gentle story a young girl is truly uncomfortable when the dark arrives at her house.  Each evening her mother takes her hand and the two purposefully go to each room in their home to turn on the lamps and flip the light switches to the "on" position.  Let there be light.

Then, one night her mother takes her hand and the two step outside into the darkness and all that it is embracing.  What can you see in the darkness?  What can you hear?  Has all the goodness disappeared or is there another kind of magic waiting here to be enjoyed and treasured?

The illustrations are bathed in black which gives a sense of a walk in the nighttime.  The magic here is in letting your eye adjust to the darkness on the page and then looking closely enough to spot the beauty, the wonder and the amazing blanket of restfulness and peace that quietly watches over all.

This is a sophisticated, intelligent and beautiful picture book that is dedicated to the very best in every child.

32 pages   978-1554988235  Ages 3-6

Keywords: fear of the dark, day and night, overcoming fears

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,

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