Mighty Military Robots (Military Machines on Duty)

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Book Information

Social Studies Curriculum

Driving the roads of Iraq or Afghanistan can be dangerous.  Danger might be anywhere which is why our mlitary has developed the a series of robots to work with and for our fighting forces.  These robots have different names and different missions.

iRobot 510 Packbot.  It can disable a roadside bomb so soldiers don't have to risk their lives.  The Remotec ANDROS F6A is a heavy-duty robot that can cross any terrain and disable bombs.  There are other robots named MULE that carry wounded soldiers and there are the Samurai Flyer and the MQ-9 Reader that all have important military missions on the ground and even in the air.

The robots have become part of our fighting forces and the sometimes the soldiers even name their robots since they feel like they are fighting alongside and are their buddies.

This book is a great choice for reluctant readers who are around the third grade and who need some intensity and information in the books they look for.  

Ages 6-9  978-1491488478  24 pages

Also in the series: Mighty Military Aircraft; Mighty Military Land Vehicles; Mighty Military Ships (Capstone Publishing)

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge, abookandahug.com

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