• Graphic Novel
  • Emmie and Friends Book 1 Invisible Emmie Also available in Spanish Emmie es invisible

Emmie and Friends Book 1 Invisible Emmie Also available in Spanish Emmie es invisible

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The quiet girl.  The popular girl.  Which one do you want to be?

Emmie Douglas is thirteen years old and in the seventh grade at Lakefront Middle School.  Emmie is really shy and quiet and has a hard time speaking up in the world especially at school.  Art is the world where she excels and feels most like herself.

Katie is in the seventh grade at the Lakefront Middle School, too.  She's super popular, has a million friends asking her for advice, looks perfect all the time, has cool parents and stars on the school volleyball team.

The two girls are in the same school but live in separate worlds.  Katie starting the day at her locker surrounded by her ten best friends, looking fabulous and excited to start the day.  Emmie coming into school with her stomach in knots and needing to take ten deep breaths to calm herself down as she heads alone to her locker dreading the rest of the day.

Then, the unthinkable happens.  Emmie and her best friend, Brianna, write hilarious, over the top romantic poems to the boys they have like and read them to each other.  They laugh and Emmie puts the poems in her bag for safekeeping.  Except one of the poems falls out of Emmie's bag and is found by the just the wrong person, a guy named Joe who delights in embarrassing Emmie to the max.

This is a show up to school in your underwear kind of day for Emmie.  How will she make it until school is over?  Katie hears about the poem and struggles with her own feelings.   Seems Emmie has written a poem to the guy Katie is going out with.

Middle school angst, bullies, those perfect popular people and the rest of us earthlings all struggling to find a voice and a sense of belonging.

Emmie's story is told in a quiet, bland style and Katie's version beams off the page in warm, bright colors filled with energy and confidence.

This is a really fun read that will intrigue the socially mature 4th and 5th graders and will resonate with the middle schoolers who will recognize the story from the hallways they explore every day from 8-3:00pm.

192 pages           978-0062484932           Ages 9-13

Read alikes: Smile by Raina Telgemeier; Popularity Papers by Amy Ignatow; Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm: All's Faire in Middle School by Victoria Jamieson; Babymouse: Lights, Camera, Middle School by Jennifer L. Holm

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge, abookandahug.com

******** Also available in Spanish Emmie es invisible

Una maravillosa historia sobre el poder de la amistad.

Una novela gráfica que te robará el corazón.

Emmie es creativa, alegre pero extremadamente tímida.

Katie es muy popular, algo atolondrada y llena de energía.

Emmie y Katie son muy diferentes pero, cuando una notita secreta cae en las manos equivocadas, verán cómo sus vidas se unen y cambian para siempre.

Todos los enamoramientos, humillaciones, aburrimientos y pequeños grandes dramas que sufrimos a los doce años, están concentradosen un solo y sorprendente día en esta extraordinaria novela gráfica sobre la amistad, la autoestima, la empatía y el compañerismo.

Porque todos nos hemos sentido invisibles alguna vez...---from the publisher

192 pages 978-1644733349 Ages 9-12

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