Cowardly Clyde

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Cowardly Clyde

Meet Clyde, the warhorse, who carries the gallant knight, Sir Gallivant, into battle.  Sir Gallivant is brave and willing to take on ogres if necessary.  Clyde is afraid of everything.  Yes, fear rules Clyde.

The day comes when Sir Gallivant and Clyde are called upon to seek out a fierce and monstrous ogre who is driving the villagers from their homes out of fear.  This ogre means business.  Sir Gallivant takes up the quest and of course, Clyde has to come along though not with enthusiasm.  Eventually, Sir Gallivant and Clyde discover the ogre ...asleep.

Now is when Clyde will have to face his fears.  He'll have to be willing to do the thing he does not want to do because of what he thinks will happen.

This is a brilliant adventure  story filled with great heart and great courage and eventually great reassurance for all of us.  Our fears... so many of our own making.

Here's a great quote that shows how deeply felt this story can be for a child:  "It was so influential on me as a kid it made me want to be a knight when I grew up... so when I was old enough I became an United States Marine."  ---from Geno on Goodreads

48 pages      978-0395361719    Ages 4-7

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,

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