Escape from Baxter's Barn

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A battle scarred, one-eyed cat named Burdock sneaked into the warmth of the farm house and hid.  It's a good thing too because from his comfy place in the kitchen he heard the argument between the two men who lived there, Grady and Dewey.  Burdock knew he had to gather everyone in the barn.

Nanny the goat, gathered Figgy, Fluff, Mrs. Brown, Pull, Tug and Tick.  All eyes were on Burdock as he explained, "I heard a terrible thing.  Dewey is going to burn down our barn."

Why would any farmer burn down his own barn?  Would he come and save his animals first?  The animals in the barn aren't sure of the answers to those questions so together they decide to come together to make a plan to save them all.  As they work, each has something special to contribute. But, will it work?


9780544332171   Ages 6-9  246 pages

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,

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