Dazzling Display of Dogs

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Dazzling Display of Dogs

Book Information

Reader Personality Type
Tricycle Press (January 25, 2011
Good for Reluctant Readers?
Part of a Series
Science Curriculum

How does she do this? What a hilarious, entertaining, colorful and creative collection of concrete poetry for kids about dogs. I don't know about you, but I've found that even kids who don't like POETRY, love concrete poetry and for those who also love dogs, well this is a match made in heaven. Each page is a poem dedicated to and about a certain breed of dog, from mutt to Pekinese and lots of Labradors in between. These dogs are wrapped up in rhyme and unleashed through haiku. The artwork is as energetic and entertaining as the poetry itself. See if you can follow the poem as it romps along with Houdini the Rottweiler, first digging out of the yard, then chasing the trucks, smelling the garbage can after can and then ending with an "extra-special spunk and glee" experience of chasing the cat up a tree. If you think I'm wrong about the kids and the poetry, I challenge you to read any child the poem about "Cassandra Riding in the Car." Yep...have fun with that one. Don't care how blase your target is, you'll get 'em with Cassandra. There's great fun in just turning the pages to see what Betsy Franco's facile mind came up with for the next one and if you have a breed of dog you love, then finding the poem about that special one is like going on a treasure hunt. Lots of gems in this treasure chest so enjoy...poetry of all things all the way to the "Tail End." Ages 6-11 40 pages

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