• Non-Fiction
  • You Wouldn't Want To Be At The Boston Tea Party! Wharf Water Tea You'd Rather Not Drink

You Wouldn't Want To Be At The Boston Tea Party! Wharf Water Tea You'd Rather Not Drink

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You Wouldn't Want To Be At The Boston Tea Party! Wharf Water Tea You'd Rather Not Drink

"The year is 1773. Your name is George Robert Twelves Hewes and you were born in Boston Massachusetts in 1742. You grew to manhood in a time of turmoil, when American colonists first began to rebel against the unjust rule of the British government. You were to be at the center of some of the most important events in America's history--events that led to the American Revolution. On the night of December 16, 1773, you were busy blacking your face with coal dust and disguising yourself as a Mohawk Indian. You are about to be a part of history. You are about to find out why You Wouldn't Want to Be at the Boston Tea Party! "--from the publisher

32 pages  978-0531238561  Ages 8-11

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