Finding Perfect

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Molly loves this moment.  The moment right before she stands up in front of the microphone where anything is possible.  Now the words of her poem come flowing out and when she’s done the audience starts to cheer.  She did it.  Her plan is working.  If she can win the Lakeview Middle School Poetry Slam, everything will be back in order and her mind will calm down.

Molly’s mother has left to go “to” a job in Toronto, Canada for the next year.  The question is will she ever really come back?  Molly’s sister Kate says, “No,” their mom will never come back.  The stress and worry are starting to take their toll on Molly and her mind is beginning to need weird things from her.

This is the story of a middle schooler who is slowly descending into the dark place of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  The quiet whispers of her mind get louder and louder and the inner demands she has to satisfy get more and more out of control.

What’s it like to be afraid your brother might die if you don’t row your glass figurines up exactly an inch apart?  What’s it like to hear the numbers in your head that are divisible by four?  

There are plenty of enemies in the world but one of the toughest can be your own thoughts.  

Painful and perfectly constructed, this is a laser-like view into the mind and agony of a girl who desperately needs to tell someone what is going on inside.  An important invitation to appreciate and understand mental illness.  

300 pages 978-0374303129 Ages 9-13

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,

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