First Pooch: The Obamas Pick a Pet

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First Pooch:  The Obamas Pick a Pet

"Want a friend in Washington? Get a dog," is the opening quote of this warm picture book. Harry S. Truman speaking. Many U.S. presidents have had dogs from the foxhounds of George Washington to the Scottish Terriers of George W. Bush. When the Obama family made the decision that Mr. Obama would run for the presidence, he made a promise to his two young daughters, Malia and Sasha, that after the election they could get a puppy. Campaigns are hard on everyone and the girls had their challenges too. They dressed up to appear in front of crowds and watched as their parents crisscrossed the country. Election night gave everyone a victory-their father was the new President of the United States and the girls were going to get a puppy. Now to decide what kind of puppy it would be. With an eye to history and a warm place in her heart for the girls, Carole Boston Weatherford offers this delightful and respectful story. 32 pages Ages 4-7

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