• Fantasy
  • Kane Chronicles: Red Pyramid, The (Book One)

Kane Chronicles: Red Pyramid, The (Book One)

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Kane Chronicles:  Red Pyramid, The  (Book One)

Do we have to stop for every monument," Sadie Kane asks her father as they stop at Cleopatra's Needle in the heart of London. So begins the adventure of Sadie and Carter Kane. "The two of you combine the blood of two ancient families.... both of which have a long, complicated history with the Gods. You are the most powerful Kane children to be born in centuries." Powerful? Their world is turning upside down. It all began when their father, Julius Kane, archaeologist, took them into the British Museum. First Cleopatra's Needle and now the Museum. Standing in front of the Rosetta Stone, Dad pulls out a curved white stick and starts writing. Sadie who only sees her father once a year, reads hieroglyphics and when she realizes the words are "Osiris, come," she shouts, "No, Dad, no!" But it's too late. The ground rumbles, the light changes and the Rosetta Stone explodes releasing Set, a God who has waited 2,000 years to flex his powers. He has big plans and the Kane children with their heritage of ancient powers will not stand in his way. Gods and mythical creatures abound as the children travel through secret portals and find themselves in great danger. Just as the Greek Gods battle for supremacy in The Lightning Thief, the Egyptian immortals will bring their ambitions to light in this exotic, action-packed adventure. The voices of Sadie and Carter alternate throughout. A great lesson in Egyptian mythology combines with an exotic, magic- charged world in a dimension we never imagined. 528 pages Ages 9-14

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