Life in a Fishbowl

Life in a Fishbowl

Fifteen-year-old Jackie Stone’s father is dying. When Jackie discovers that her father has been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, her whole world starts to crumble. She can’t imagine how she’ll live without him . . . Then, in a desperate act to...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  (Book 2)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2)

Author J.K. Rowling works her magic again in this second installment of her iconic book series. It’s nearly the end of summer and Harry hasn’t heard from any of his new Hogwart friends. The Dursley’s have him locked in his room for the night while they have guests...
Good Night! Good Night!

Good Night! Good Night!

Bedtime is such a great time to share a story and for many parents that story is the classic tale, Goodnight Moon!  You can say it in your sleep…it has the perfect rhythm to rock a child to sleep.  Here is a bedtime story that owes its chops to Good Night Moon...

What If You Had An Animal Nose

What if you woke up one morning and your nose wasn’t yours? What If You Had An Animal Nose?–the next imaginative book in the What If You Had series–explores what would happen if you looked in the mirror and saw an animal’s nose instead of your...