Arabian Nights

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In a conversation with a teacher in recent weeks, I shared my plan of giving a copy of the Arabian Nights to my grandchildren so they would become familiar with the stories in their childhood.  The teacher's response was , "Oh, that's wonderful.  You are giving them context.  Teachers are so desperate for their students to have context."

This is a collection of eight of the Tales of the Arabian Nights framed in a 14th century tale from Syria.  Sinbad and Ali Baba are not in this grouping.  Reading the introduction we learn that these stories orginate in India, Persia and across the Arab World.  The oldest story is from Syria and "dates from the early 800s."

Richly illustrated, the eight stories begin with the framework story that expains the challenge faced by Shahrazade whose husband in his anger over betrayal by his first wife has decided to marry a different woman every day.  Storytelling night after night keeps the husband hooked, saves her life, and eventually changes this violent, angry man into a better self.

These are stories which invite listeners or readers to open their imaginations to the worlds of magical creatures and mythological beings.  Kings and queens learn important character lessons.  Some of the important knowledge of how to be a good or great human emerge from the characters and their challenges.

This is a beautiful way to introduce the Arab world to our children.

Written for children ages 9-13.  978-1846865688   120 pages

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,

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