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Any young reader looking at the opening page will recognize instantly that Quackers is a cat.  So, Quackers is the one who doesn't know that.  Quackers is pretty sure ...like absolutely positive...that he is a duck.

Hey, he lives down by the duck pond.  Everyone he knows is a duck.  But you know, sometimes he just has that feeling that he doesn't fit in with the other ducks.  They don't quite understand him. The conversation goes something like this, "Meow."  "Quack, quack."  The food isn't his favorite either... really, I mean if he has to eat duckweek one more time....

Then, one day, someone comes along who looks just like Quackers and Quackers knows instantly..."Hey, you're a duck too."

It's so important to all of us to fit in, to belong, to know who we are and to accept others as they are and make friends with all.  Everyone belongs on the Earth.  Everyone is part of the big picture.

 978-0553511543   Ages 3-7  40 pages

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge, abookandahug.com


From Knopf (the publisher):

A cat who thinks he’s a duck?  He must be Quackers!! 

This quirky funny book is about standing out, fitting in, and building a life with room for all.

Quackers is a duck. Sure, he may have paws and whiskers. And his quacks might sound more like...well, meows, but he lives among ducks, everyone he knows is a duck, and he's happy. 

Then Quackers meets another duck who looks like him (& talks like him, too!)—but he calls himself a cat. So silly!

Quackers loves being among his new friends the cats, but he also misses his duck friends, and so he finds a way to combine the best of both worlds. Part cat, part duck, all Quackers!

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